God has begun to open doors, the unstoppable legacy of Lauren Boss.

More About SCA
Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) is a medical condition in which the heart suddenly and unexpectedly stops beating. This results in a lack of blood flow to the brain and other vital organs, leading to a loss of consciousness and, if not treated promptly, death. SCA is a medical emergency, and immediate intervention with cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and, when available, the use of an automated external defibrillator (AED) is crucial for survival.
How we help
Education Programs: Implement educational programs in schools, colleges, and community centers to teach students, teachers, and parents about the signs of SCA, risk factors, and the importance of immediate action.
CPR Training: Encourage and provide training in basic life support skills, including CPR, to individuals in the community. CPR can significantly improve the chances of survival for someone experiencing SCA.
AED Accessibility: Increase the availability and accessibility of automated external defibrillators (AEDs) in public places, schools, and sports facilities. AEDs are user-friendly devices that can be used by bystanders to deliver an electric shock to restore normal heart rhythm.
Awareness Campaigns: Use various media channels, social media, and community events to launch awareness campaigns focused on SCA and its impact on young people. Emphasize the importance of regular health check-ups, especially for those with a family history of heart conditions.
Support Research: Support and promote research initiatives focused on understanding the causes and risk factors of SCA in young people. This can contribute to the development of preventive strategies and improved treatments.

We provide financial assistance to students who need help to pay for their education. Our scholarships cover tuition fees, textbooks, and other expenses related to their studies. We believe that every student deserves the opportunity to pursue their dreams, regardless of their financial background.